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Evaluating Event Success: How to Measure the Impact of Your Experience

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about planning a successful event? Maybe it’s the number of tickets sold, how good the food is, or...

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about planning a successful event?

Maybe it’s the number of tickets sold, how good the food is, or that totally baller keynote speaker that is scheduled to share with the audience. 

These are all great things – and can absolutely contribute to making an event successful. 

But what if we told you that one of the most important things you can do regarding event planning pertains to AFTER the event is over?

We know. Sounds a little cray-cray, and maybe you’re thinking - “Umm, once the event is OVER, it’s OVER!”

But go with us here! 😅

We could share COUNTLESS stories from clients who, as a result of this insight, were able to produce wildly successful and impactful events - year after year.

Hosting and producing a remarkable event does indeed require meticulous planning and execution. However, intentional planning for how you’ll measure the success and impact of your event after it's over is just as important!

In this blog, we’ll explore 2 proven metrics you can use to evaluate the success of your event. 

By understanding these aspects, you’ll be able to: 

  • Gain insights into how to improve future events
  • Strengthen relationships with clients and colleagues by building deeper trust
  • Think about things during the initial planning process that you might not have otherwise considered (for example, if you know you’ll measure success by seeing X amount of smiling faces exiting the event, what in the run-of-show is sure to make them laugh?)

But before we dive in, let’s pause for a moment to talk about event debriefs! Just as you have an initial planning meeting with your client and/or event planning team BEFORE the event happens, it’s incredibly valuable to plan a specific, intentional debrief meeting after the event is over as well. This is a time set aside to unpack the various metrics laid out below - as well as to connect as a team, share any feedback with each other, and celebrate the huge thing you have just done! 

Insider Tip: Although it may feel inconvenient, try to have your debrief meeting as soon after an event ends as possible.

Back in 2022, our team hosted one of the biggest Elevate events to date with our friends at Chick-fil-A. This event took months of planning and preparation, so by the end, we were exhausted and ready to celebrate (and sleep)

As soon as our duties were complete, however, our team huddled in the back of the venue to debrief and discuss a few key metrics. This was a powerful time of learning and connection since everything that went down that day was still very fresh on our minds. Someone on our team was responsible for taking notes and looking back, we’re SO glad we had this time to recap and check in while things were fresh. 

The week following this grand event, we had another (more formal) debrief with both our team and our client(s). 

So - even if you have to make time for a second debrief in the days following the event, reaaaaaally try to squeeze in even 15 minutes post-event to discuss a few key items. 


Clearly defined objectives are a cornerstone in determining the success and impact of an event. These should be set as a part of the initial planning process, revisited throughout, and again during the event debrief(s). Objectives for different types of events vary widely, but all answer the question(s) what do we believe would make this event successful, and/or what is the purpose of this event? 

To get your wheels turning, this could include things like:

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Foster positive connections between team members 
  • Educate attendees on X topic 

Remember, the list is truly endless and will be very specific to YOUR event - so spend some time alone and with your team brainstorming your event objectives. 

Make sure everyone is on the same page with the final objectives and again, revisit them often throughout the planning process. This will ensure not only that the objectives do in fact get achieved, but it will also help you and your team think creatively about different ways to ensure they DO!

Once your event is over, be sure to include these various objectives in your debrief. 

Invitations for feedback are one of the most powerful tools you can use in measuring the impact of an experience. There are several ways to do this, including asking specific questions to your client and/or team during a meeting (make sure someone is recording or taking notes!), sending out a survey to attendees after the event, and more. 

The truth is, there’s only a 50/50 chance (maybe even less) that you’ll receive feedback if you don’t ask. And while it may feel a bit vulnerable or inconvenient to ask for feedback on something you worked so hard for, this practice will build trust with your clients/attendees, AND set you up for more success in your subsequent events! The bottom line is: it’s worth it. 

The most critical thing you can do when it comes to asking for feedback is to be specific. Ensure you’re honoring the responders’ time by asking clear, direct questions that they can articulately answer. 

And pssst: these can also make for great testimonials to share on your website or social media! Boom, baby! 

Lastly, similar to setting clear objectives, PLANNING to ask for feedback after an event is over - and knowing exactly what you’ll ask for feedback on - will empower you to make future planning decisions with more clarity! 

In closing - remember this: each event is unique! Tailor your objectives, feedback, and other details accordingly. If you need support in determining what metrics to consider for YOUR next event, click here to book a call with our team! We’d love to help.


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