How to Keep Things Fresh (Without a Complete Overhaul)
If you’ve been a friend of Elevate for a while, then chances are you know that we like to keep it fresh around here. In fact, our very own Founder/CEO...
If you’ve been a friend of Elevate for a while, then chances are you know that we like to keep it fresh around here. In fact, our very own Founder/CEO...
If you’ve been a friend of Elevate for a while, then chances are you know that we like to keep it fresh around here. In fact, our very own Founder/CEO Billy Boughey has an email newsletter completely dedicated to this - it’s called the FRESH TAKE, and you can subscribe by clicking here.
From a slick pair of new kicks, to top-of-the-line equipment, to interactive moments at events, to the way we navigate internal team meetings, keeping it fresh is part of our DNA.
But something we’ve realized is that oftentimes when someone hears the concept of “keep it fresh”, they assume it means a complete “RE-DO”. An overhaul. A “start from scratch” situation.
And in a professional/business setting, this can feel really frustrating, because…
…so why on earth would you want to switch things up, especially when it seems like you’re finally finding a rhythm?
Here’s the mic drop moment: Keeping it fresh does NOT require a complete overhaul.
In fact, it doesn’t even have to include “getting rid of things” at all!
Keeping it fresh means something more along the lines of:
So if you’re someone who influences the culture at your workplace (pssst: that’s all of us), and you like the “idea” of keeping it fresh but aren’t sure how or what that looks like, we’ve got you covered!
Check out these 3 ways WE have been keeping it fresh here at Elevate, which you can adopt and try in your organization!
Over the past several months, we’ve been through a bit of transition! From new and transitioning team members to a brand new office/studio space, we’ve experienced a lot of change (and it’s been awesome)! One thing that has seemed to stand out during this season is the abundance of resources we’ve enjoyed creating and sharing over the years!
*Super candid moment*...if you’re familiar with lead magnets, we discovered that we literally had 72 lead magnets attached to various videos, landing pages, etc. And while we truly believe the value offered on these resources is meaningful and significant, we noticed this as a huge opportunity to tighten things up and keep it fresh.
We’re currently in the process of compiling these into just THREE really awesome resources that we’re confident will help those who choose to download them! (think that might be you? Click here to get yours).
Instead of fully scrapping the hard work and valuable content in these resources, we were able to keep it fresh by simply tightening things up.
What are some areas in your business that maybe has some loose ends? Are all of the systems/software platforms you have accounts for still being regularly used? Is your marketing collateral up to date? Could your website use a little love?
This one’s for all our “fear of change” people - Avoid the urge to run from “new”!
There are probably a few people who stopped reading right there. 😅And we get it! Change can always feel scary…if we let it.
But for those of you who are still with us, keeping it fresh can often happen by uncovering opportunities to freshen things up! We know, there’s a lot of freshness being thrown around here.
Here’s what we mean: Our website has held steady for years now, and has helped us share what we do with those who visit it. It has also kind of felt like a dark and scary place - one that has been pretty easy to avoid making changes to, even though we really wanted to add some fresh new tidbits, photos, and more!
This year, instead of running from the new (and honestly pretty terrifying) things that can happen when re-launching a new website, we pressed in.
And if you’re thinking “okay, this sounds like the complete overhaul that you said wasn’t necessary at the beginning of this blog”, hang with us!
Because guess what? Instead of re-doing our entire website, we chose to focus on the home page. We asked ourselves, how can we freshen this up to feel updated and on-point in communicating who we are/what we do?
Similarly, we’ve built a new pattern for showing up on our various social media platforms, all with one goal in mind: to freshen up the way we show up in the virtual world, and to become more engaged with our virtual audience!
So rather than biting off a huge, overwhelming project, try asking yourself what piece of various things you could freshen up or make small changes to in order to more accurately reflect your brand!
Last but not least, this miiiiiiight just be one of our favorites…because we really love asking questions. So much so, we wrote an entire blog about it earlier this month - check it out here.
This tip to keep it fresh goes hand in hand with asking meaningful questions! There is POWER in being a listener.
You see, as humans, we naturally end up operating in patterns and rhythms - both personally and professionally. And while oftentimes these rhythms are great and productive, they can also become blind spots on our journey.
By intentionally seeking opportunities to listen to others, we will keep our perspective fresh!
Our Founder/CEO, Billy, does this incredibly well by always asking for team members’ opinions during meetings. And we don’t mean a generic “what does everyone think?” question. Rather, Billy takes time to specifically ask others for their opinion/insights…and he asks them by name.
Being willing to listen to others will help you sharpen yourself, and make sure your blind spots are uncovered…ultimately benefiting your organization's growth, not to mention your culture/employee engagement! 😉
So there you have it! We hope you’ll be able to apply these 3 tips at YOUR company, and that you’ll start thinking through the Keep it Fresh lens on a regular basis!
Have a suggestion for how YOU keep it fresh? Let us know in the comments!
Did you know? Billy is also a professional keynote speaker and workshop leader and has led top-tier teams through powerful leadership curriculum like his newest offering, ROAD SIGNS. If you’re interested in working with Billy, click here to drop us a line!
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